Graphical Overview of CS198 Program Structure
Unlike most classes at Stanford, where discussion sections are typically taught by graduate TAs, the CS106 classes employ undergraduate section leaders to teach discussion sections. Undergraduates have proven highly effective in this role; they know about Stanford computers and introductory courses, and are close enough to students in intro CS to understand their problems. The CS198 program consists of a class that prepares new section leaders to teach, as well as a support structure for both new and experienced section leaders, TAs, and lecturers in the CS106 program.
The following sections describe the structure of the CS198 program as well as the responsibilities of the various staff positions.
midway through each quarter to enroll in CS198 (and begin section leading) in the next quarter.
For SIGCSE 1995, CS198 Coordinators John Lilly and Bryan Rollins followed up on this discussion, describing the CS198 support structure and the section leader community in