CS198 - Teaching Computer Science

The CS198 Program

The CS198 program is a group of about 90 undergraduate and graduate students responsible for teaching section for Stanford's introductory CS courses:
CS106A , CS106B , and CS106L . The program is aimed at giving qualified undergraduate students of all majors a unique opportunity to teach as a part of their undergraduate experience. Sections leaders cover materials such as the C++ and Python languages, functional decomposition, arrays, strings, pointers, records, objects, recursion, abstract data types, algorithmic analysis, data structure design, sets, graphs, and other fundamental elements of modern programming. More...

Interested in joining the CS198 program?
Apply to section lead!

The CS198 program is managed by the CS198 Coordinators, Ben Gonzalez-Maldonado, Diego Ahmad-Stein, and Monica Hicks. For more information about the CS198 program or inquiries about this website, email the coordinators at cs198@cs.stanford.edu.
CS106 Sections Login
About the CS198 Program
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CS198 Alumni